The Edmonton International Film Festival... international, independent and eye-opening. This Festival is about 'discovery'. They strive to uncover cinematic gems and celebrate unique new voices in...
Come celebrate Caribbean culture at the annual three-day Cariwest - Caribbean Arts Festival! Downtown Edmonton explodes with spectacular costumes, vibrant Caribbean musical rhythms, street theatre and...
A Taste of Edmonton Festival is one of the city’s most popular festivals, with 500,000 people attending it every year. A Taste of Edmonton is a dazzling array of tastes and sounds that fill Churchill...
The International Ice Carving Competition kicks off the festival, as 10 teams of ice carvers create icy masterpieces. For the 10 festival days expect lots of outdoor fun. There will be ice and snow...
Barbecue and rock ‘n’ roll (and for that matter, country music) have always seemed to go hand in hand, which is the key to the success of the Porkapalooza Concert of Hope series.
What would possibly make a beautiful young lady decide she needs to step out of a plane and stand on the wing while the plane dips and dives above a crowded airport?
With years of experience under its belt, the Edmonton Folk Fest is steeped in tradition with a large fan base of regular concert goers that go year after year.
This year the Fringe will host over 800 artists who will bring you more than 1,800 theatrical performances. With so many shows to choose from, where does one begin?