Alberta Rockies


Yuichi Takasaka has perfected the art of photographing the magical Northern Lights. He uses an arsenal of everyday household items and, of course, his beloved digital cameras.


Every one of us has looked up at the sky and wondered, what’s up there? For those who want to take that curiosity further, here are five items that will help you view the moon and stars...


The Huckleberry Festival at Castle Mountain Resort is many different things to many different people, and that’s what makes it so special. 


JASPER, AB - Ever since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it can be argued we’ve lost touch with darkness; we usually experience it when sleeping, with our eyes closed.


Summer in the mountains of Southern Alberta can be fickle;  quite often it will take its sweet time, waiting until late July to really get started, and by September dustings of snow can be see



John Devitt


The Rockies represent the best of the best from dozens of cultures and backgrounds, and the food is the height of this diversity, as Rick found out travelling the mountains.


During the Banff World Media Festival, the NextMEDIA Accelerator brought together six of Canada’s most innovative startup companies.


I stepped from the car and was funneled inside by a pair of velvet ropes, and not thirty seconds after I had registered for the Banff World Media Festival, a stranger beside me leaned in and covert