JASPER, AB - Ever since Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, it can be argued we’ve lost touch with darkness; we usually experience it when sleeping, with our eyes closed.
If you’re looking for an authentic Alberta experience, here’s what I’d suggest; from Edmonton, take Highway 21 south, turn left at Highway 609, then right at Highway 56.
After visiting countless Calgary Stampede rodeos, I vowed never to get on top of a bull. That all changed when I visited the 2012 Cochrane SummerFest on a hot July day.
Summer in the mountains of Southern Alberta can be fickle; quite often it will take its sweet time, waiting until late July to really get started, and by September dustings of snow can be see
Chuckwagon racing is back in Bonnyville, Alberta and better than ever. The town once boasted a very active racing scene but hadn’t hosted an event since the 1970s.
The Rockies represent the best of the best from dozens of cultures and backgrounds, and the food is the height of this diversity, as Rick found out travelling the mountains.