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FestivalSeekers wants to help power your summer fun with some quick tips so you can make the most of experiences. Join us online at #DaretoExplore - be sure and tag all your moments so we can share them and ultimately grow your following.

Check out our breakFEST article here.


One of the best things about going to a music festival (well, any type of festival) is that it is the perfect time to festersize. Fes-ter-size is defined as the act of excessive movement (also known as exercise) when at a festival.

This is mostly seen at music festivals when festivalgoers are dancing their feet off at one stage then move swiftly to a different stage to catch another act and resume dancing their feet off.  Usually, the adrenaline is pumping through your veins, your serotonin levels are at an all-time high and you are having a blast. If you are new to festing or want to up your festersize game, we suggest you follow these tips:

Be sure to wear cool, comfortable clothes and shoes so you're ready to dance.
All photos by the Pemberton Music Festival

Eat a healthy breakfast: You need to take in the calories that you are going to burn while busting a move! We suggest you try to make sure you have protein and fruit to fuel your fire. They are both nutritious and delicious.

Wear comfortable shoes: No one wants blisters and wearing closed toe shoes will protect your toes.

Make sure to stretch it out before festersizing. 

Stretch: When was the list time you danced and bopped around for more than two hours? Your festival muscles haven’t worked out in a long time. So, remember to stretch before you head to the festival, mid festival and when you get home.

Drink water: Keep hydrated before, during and after your day(s) at the festival because you will sweat a lot while you are dancing and frolicking through the fest. It’s especially important to drink a lot of water if it is hot out or if you’re enjoying adult beverages.

Alternate between water and other beverages to stay hydrated.

Prepare to sweat: Wear clothing that can handle the sweat (wicking and lightweight work best). Also, baby powder works great for chafing (#chubrubnomore).

Throw your inhibitions aside and dance your heart out.

Dance like no one’s watching: Need we say more?

Festersizing is the best way to rock out, have fun and stay fit while indulging in all of the delectable festival treats. Play safe out there and have fun getting your fest on! 

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