Listing Updated:

Get out the polish and the fuzzy dice. It’s time to head to 100 Mile House for the annual Hot July Nights Car & Bike Show. The three-day event in 2025 will host more than 200 cars and motorcycles from...

Williams Lake

Williams Lake was once a patchwork of ranches until the railway came through in 1919.


Chances are if you pop into a cafe, boutique, or gift shop in the Cariboo, you’ll see Pharis and Jason Romero’s latest album.


“We had the first bathtub in town,” Barb Dodge said from behind her laptop. I did a double-take and looked at my surroundings. I was in an office at the RBC Building on St. Laurent Ave.

100 Mile House

The Hot July Nights (July 13-15, 2018) car and bike show is fast-approaching but as you head up or down Highway 97 this season, consider exploring 100 Mile House from a unique angle - from the wate


So everyone thought Kevin Costner was crazy, plowing over his cornfield to build a baseball park. Sharing that “build it and they will come spirit,” runs deep in the Cariboo Chilcotin.


So everyone thought Kevin Costner was crazy, plowing over his cornfield to build a baseball park. Sharing that “build it and they will come spirit,” runs deep in the Cariboo Chilcotin.

Cariboo Chilcotin Coast

Sandwiched between the southern region and the North of British Columbia, the Cariboo Chilcotin Coast region of the province is made up of three distinct regions – the Cariboo, the Chilcotin and the...


On a bright summer morning, Williams Lake - the Mural Capital of the Cariboo - was buzzing, and the Cariboo Arts and Culture Centre was the main hive of activity.


This is a tale of two types of horsepower: My four-legged horse, General, and Phil Pogue’s 1937 Dodge Rumble Seat Coupe – with the power of about 245 horses – in 100 Mile House, BC.