Silver Skate Festival

The Silver Skate Festival, one of Edmonton's longest running festivals, brings winter art, sport and culture together at Laurier Park (new for this year, as Hawrelak Park undergoes construction).

Festival Dates: -
Location: Edmonton, Alberta

Get your toques, mittens, and skates ready for 10-days of skating, live music, food, sculptures, and fun zones.

Feel the breeze on your face as you glide along the city's largest skating pond while listening to a tuneful compilation of Edmonton-based music.

Embrace the world around you at this local event: explore the river valley, go for a skate, make a snow angels, or visit a winter patio. Winter is magic, and the outdoor experiences in this city are limitless.  

About Silver Skate Festival

The Silver Skate Festival has been running for over 30 years when it began as a small, annual skating event rooted into Dutch winter traditions and it has blossomed into an all-embracing celebration of winter sports, arts, music, and recreation.

Event highlights

Test how fast you can skate Silver Skate's traditional 1km race loop on the pond and try to beat the record for most loops in an hour.

More things to do at Silver Skate

Silver Skate Festival


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