Golden Triangle Iron Sledder Challenge: Swan Hills
Swan Hills is your final destination in becoming an Iron Sledder in 2023: get to the snowmobile rally this Feb 25 and cruise Big Lakes County!
Golden Triangle Iron Sledder Challenge: Swan Hills on Social Media
Swan Hills is one of the three towns on the Golden Triangle sled network, comprising over 400 kilometres of snowmobiling trails between Whitecourt, Fox Creek and Swan Hills.
The Swan Hills SnowGoers host their annual snowmobile rally on Saturday Feb 25. Join in on the outdoor winter fun!
Read about the Swan Hills sledding experience in this and get primed for the event.
Or watch the video below and read on for rally details.
Swan Hills Snowmobile Rally weekend details
Feb 25, 2023
Registration: 9:00 - 11:00
Keyano Centre, 5632 Main Street
- ASA member: $45
- non-ASA: $70
Includes trail lunch, meal voucher and 1 poker hand.
For more details check the Swan Hills Snow-Goers Facebook page. And read on to find out how you can get in on the Iron Sledder fun.
How to become an Iron Sledder
Only the most committed snowmobilers can claim the title of Iron Sledder.
To claim an Iron Sledder medal and be entered to win a $1000 cash prize, you need to compete in all three Golden Triangle Iron Sledder Challenge rally events:
- Feb 18-19: Whitecourt
- Feb 25: Swan Hills
- Mar 11: Fox Creek