The Canadian Badlands Passion Play

A three-hour long play takes the audience into the Holy Land and tells the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.

Festival Dates: -
Listing Updated:
Location: Drumheller, Alberta

For 23 years, the badlands near Drumheller have transformed into the Holy Land in the summer to tell the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. In a three-hour play, the audience remains captivated as the story is brought to life from a scripture-based script with realistic sets and costumes, and superb performances by the actors.

The play is always held in the natural bowl amphitheatre, but each year brings a fresh perspective on the story as the script, production and cast changes from year to year. 

Performance dates

Evening performances start at 6pm, Sundays at 4pm.


  • Friday, July 4 (preview performance)
  • Saturday, July 5
  • Sunday, July 6


  • Friday, July 11
  • Saturday, July 12
  • Sunday, July 13


  • Friday, July 18
  • Saturday, July 19
  • Sunday, July 20

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More Information

The show always goes on despite the weather, so make sure to bring sunscreen and sun protection as well as warm clothes and umbrellas just in case the weather turns. It doesn't hurt to bring cushions either, as you will be sitting in bleachers for three hours (with a 20 minute break).

For more info visit the offical event page.

Unless otherwise specified, all information about the Canadian Badlands Passion Play has been provided by festival organizers