Texada Island


Check out over 20 music festivals in BC for summer 2025, bringing some of the biggest international artists as well as homegrown musical talent to the BC stage!


Check out over 20 music festivals in BC for summer 2023, bringing some of the biggest international artists as well as homegrown musical talent to the BC stage!

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Texada Island is rich in history, from First Nations to Spanish exploration and ore mining. But in the last few years, the island has also become rich in roots and blues music. Impressively, the...


Mind. Blown. Did you know that in the middle of the Pacific Northwest there’s a 50-kilometre long island with the only paved runway in the Gulf Islands?

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Know a child who's keen to learn about the science behind machines that fly? The Texada Aerospace camp is for curious teens and pre-teens, between the ages of 10 and 16. Students get hands-on...