

Check out over 20 music festivals in BC for summer 2025, bringing some of the biggest international artists as well as homegrown musical talent to the BC stage!


Check out over 20 music festivals in BC for summer 2023, bringing some of the biggest international artists as well as homegrown musical talent to the BC stage!

MusicianMonthly calloge featuring Moontricks, Phrais and Jason Romera. Small Town Artillery, on FestivalSeekers

This month's Musician Monthly features new music and where to catch live music in BC and Alberta from some bands we love.


Chances are if you pop into a cafe, boutique, or gift shop in the Cariboo, you’ll see Pharis and Jason Romero’s latest album.

Listing Updated:

Live music and arts and craft vendors will be found throughout the town of Horsefly, B.C during the Arts on the Fly Festival. Four stages of live music are sure to have you dancing in the streets and...


I rolled into Horsefly, B.C. on a sunny Sunday afternoon, passing the General Store and parking at the Community Hall, after about 50 minutes on the road from Williams Lake.